Tuesday, May 27, 2008


On a recent playdate.. Sydney was over and we were looking for an activity. We had this fairy project, that was simple enough and required only a *lil bit* of help from Momma. James of course is great when it comes to playing with *goil* stuff. He will play barbies or polly pocket.. AS LONG AS HE IS THE DUDE... So, he was ok with making one for the *goils*.. ergo the head down posture for his picture... (nope James, noone knows thats you). Emma and Syd each kept the one they made, and James sent his home to Payton. Awww.

Sleepover Fun

I am so lucky to have nieces, literally the same age as my children. They are the best of friends and get along like peas and carrots. Sydney and Payton are great when they stay, and the four of them are actually easier than just the two of mine! We make a big deal and go out and buy cheapie pj's so everyone is matchy matchy and we get in them early and stay in them late! Good times, good times.

Emma had her Spring Concert this past week, and despite concerns of serious stage fright... she did great. It did our hearts good to watch as she took in deep breaths and sang her lil heart out. They also did sign language to one of the songs as well. It was eye welling, heart pounding to overflow with pride and joy good fun!